March 18, 2020, Berlin: Following President George Manneh Weah address on the Corona Epidemic on March 16 2020, the Liberia Embassy in Germany wishes to inform all that Liberia has imposed a Travel Ban on people traveling to and from all countries with over 200 or more corona virus cases including Germany.
Liberian citizens returning from high-risk countries will be subjected to testing and 14 days quarantine on return to Liberia.
The Embassy wishes to also inform the public that it has been directed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Liberia to institute the following measures:
- Diplomatic Officers/Staff will work from their respective homes.
- Temporary Suspension of all Consular activities until further notice except in the case of an emergency or Note Verbale from Diplomatic Missions.
- The Embassy can be contacted by Email: info@liberiaembassygermany.de liberiaembassygermany@gmail.com
The Liberia Embassy Germany kindly asks Liberian citizens to please stay informed about the situation in Germany and in Liberia through the Embassy’s Website and the following websites: www.liberiaembassygermany.de/ and the Mission’s Facebook and twitter Pages: https://facebook.com/Liberiaembassygermany/ and https://twitter.com/EmbassyGermany
General information on COVID-19 and measures taken by authorities for suspected or confirmed cases can be found at:
National Public Health Institute of Liberia: (https://nationalphil.org/index.php/press-release/
The website of the German Federal Ministry of Health provides information that is updated daily:
The website of the German Federal Ministry of the Interior, Building and Community provides information that is updated daily: